Transformers is a series of American science fiction action films directed by Michael Bay, and based on the toyscreated by Hasbro and Tomy. The first film, Transformers, was released in 2007, the second, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, in 2009, and the third, Transformers: Dark of the Moon in 2011. Despite Bay's original confirmation onDark of the Moon being his final installment in the franchise, Hasbro's CEO Brian Goldner expressed his hopes for further films to be made with or without Bay; a fourth film was subsequently confirmed, with Bay returning to direct, which was released in 2014. To date, the series has been distributed by Paramount Pictures, DreamWorks, andUnited International Pictures. The series has received mixed critical reception, with criticism focusing on the thin plots, undeveloped characters, crude humor and the lengths of the films. However, many critics praised the visuals and action sequences, and it is currently the 12th highest-grossing film series and the 4th highest-grossing when averaged to gross per film, behind the The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and Pirates of the Caribbean film series.
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Transformers is a series of American science fiction action films directed by Michael Bay, and based on the toyscreated by Hasbro and Tomy. The first film, Transformers, was released in 2007, the second, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, in 2009, and the third, Transformers: Dark of the Moon in 2011. Despite Bay's original confirmation onDark of the Moon being his final installment in the franchise, Hasbro's CEO Brian Goldner expressed his hopes for further films to be made with or without Bay; a fourth film was subsequently confirmed, with Bay returning to direct, which was released in 2014. To date, the series has been distributed by Paramount Pictures, DreamWorks, andUnited International Pictures. The series has received mixed critical reception, with criticism focusing on the thin plots, undeveloped characters, crude humor and the lengths of the films. However, many critics praised the visuals and action sequences, and it is currently the 12th highest-grossing film series and the 4th highest-grossing when averaged to gross per film, behind the The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and Pirates of the Caribbean film series.
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